Incoherent Ramblings from the Anonymous

This Month's Interview - Chet Johnson

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This month's inside look at SeriouslyWTF author is on Chet "The Jet" Johnson.

Chet is a Capricorn, and avid softball enthusiast, and a eunuch. He's just over 50, medium height (5'8"), a solid 150-160 pounds, straight-but-not-narrow, open minded, and not usually shockable. His modus operandi is, so long as what one does hurts no one else it's probably OK - maybe not something that he would particularly want to do, but so?

One of his strong personal interests is in the complete removal of the male genitals, and the after-effects physically, emotionally, and socially. He's not into any particular "scene" nor is his interest fetishistic. Let's just say that sucking on a few cold ones after the game takes on a new meaning with Chet and the "boys." That's right, in addition to dedicating time to his love of model planes, Chet is into necrophilism. Dead and cold... ummm.

As to sexual orientation, he does not really care who one loves as long as one finds the time and space for it. There is too little love in this world for him to worry about the petty details... His teammates are gay (including his M.D.), lesbian (including his shrink), transgender, transsexual, pansexual (anything that moves...), asexual, over-sexed, under-sexed, and just plain weird. In fact he wouldn't swear that they are all from this planet... Many are even (Gasp!) Hetro.

Chet has no problems dealing with or discussing other lifestyles. Chet's motto, "Just relax and don't worry about it."

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